MexIHC 2018 is the seventh Mexican Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), the premier forum for researchers and practitioners to present advances in this field. The Mexican ACM SIGCHI chapter and (CHI-México) and the Mexican Association on Human-Computer Interaction (AMexIHC) are the proudly organizers of this biennial conference in which researchers, practitioners, faculty, students, institutions, and interest groups gather to network, discuss ideas, outline collaborative projects, and contribute in the consolidation and visibility of HCI in Mexico and Latin America.
MexIHC 2018 conference will take place in Mérida, Yucatán, a welcoming city whose uniqueness emerged from the connections between elements of Mayan civilization and the old world. Connections whose constant evolution shapes the present and future of this city, its people, and their culture. Inspired in such a situation, the theme of MexIHC 2018 is interconnections. We seek to provoke a lively discussion and new understandings of how HCI connects with knowledge, methodologies, and approaches from other disciplines to design, evaluate, and study the use and implications of interactive technology in the everyday life of people. Interconnections also occur within HCI as the discipline evolves. We also want to encourage researchers and practitioners to bring out design and evaluation methods derived from established inquiry domains and design practices in HCI.
We invite original contributions on the theme of interconnections and relevant topics in Human-Computer Interaction and Interaction Design. Papers will be blind peer-reviewed by the members of the MexIHC 2018 program committee. Submissions will be evaluated based on their originality, significance of the contribution to the field and theme, technical correctness, and presentation.
Full papers (Up to 8 pages)
Full papers should describe original work that have not previously been published and provide significant results of scientific research. Presentation time for full papers will be 15 minutes plus 5 minutes for questions. The papers with this format should be written in English ONLY.
Short Papers or Notes (Up to 4 pages)
Short papers should describe innovative work in progress, without significant results yet, that contribute to well-founded research. Presentation time for short papers will be 10 minutes plus 5 minutes for questions. The papers with this format could be written in English or Spanish.
Authors wishing to submit a paper must:- Format their papers following the official ACM Proceedings Format.(select updated version on 13 February 2015).
- Submit your paper using the Easychair account for MexIHC 2018.
- June 18th [Extended], 2018 – Deadline for submissions
- August 10th, 2018 – Notification of acceptance
- September 15th, 2018 – Camera-ready final submissions
A selection of accepted full and short papers written in English, as per the TPC suggestion, will be published in the DL of the ACM. The rest will be published in the AMexIHC publication “Avances en Interacción Humano-Computadora”.
MexIHC 2018 seeks paper contributions on (but not limited to) the following key areas:
Evaluation of Interactive Applications
- New methods and methodologies
- Tools for evaluation
- Case studies
- Accessibility evaluation
- Theoretical aspects of HCI
Theories for HCI
- Theoretical discussions or challenges to current theories
- Formal modeling
- New methods and methodologies
- Case studies
- Tools for designing
- Information visualization
- Adaptive interfaces
User Evaluation
- New methods and methodologies
- Tools for evaluations
- Case studies
- Evaluation of user experience
- Evaluation of disabled users
- Human error and cognitive studies
- Contextual evaluation and ethno-methodologies
- Games user research
Education in HCI
- Case studies of education in HCI
- HCI to improve the teaching/learning
Topics related to HCI
- Usability
- Ergonomics
- Computer Graphics
- Virtual Reality
- Augmented Reality
- Multi-modal Interaction
- Social Networks
- Mobile Devices
- HCI in the Medical Context
- Video Games
- Ludic and Aesthetic Applications
- Cultural aspects in the design
- Brain-Computer Interaction
- e-Government