To register to the event, please follow the next link: MexIHC Registration (only Spanish at the moment). Basically, registration consists of the next steps (more info in Registration link):
- 1. Filling out a form with your data.
- 2. Make the payment (bank transfer or deposit).
- 3. Email payment invoice.
The preliminary program is ready and can be accessed in this link: MexIHC'14 program as well as the accepted contributions.
All academic events related to MexIHC 2014 will take place at the university NovaUniversitas, in Ocotlán de Morelos, Oaxaca, a town close by the city of Oaxaca. the social and cultural events will take place at the Centro Académico y Cultural San Pablo (TBC) in the city of Oaxaca, Oaxaca. Transportation will be provided daily between the city of Oaxaca and NovaUniversitas during the conference (morningn and afternoon). Travel time is around 25 min. More info on NovaUniversitas (http://www.novauniversitas.edu.mx/) It is located in Ocotlán de Morelos. NovaUniversitas belong to the SUNEO (Oaxaca state universities system), and comprises a set of campuses, which due to their remote locations and reduced size, cannot be provided with the same services as the conventional universities of SUNEO. However, the premises, personnel, and equipment are adequate enough to offer high quality education. Each campus is devised to enroll 300 students max. They usually offer a reduced number of majors, excluding many science-related majors, which require advanced laboratories. Address: Carretera Oaxaca Puerto Ángel Kilómetro 34.5, Centro, 71510 Ocotlán de Morelos, Oaxaca [http://www.novauniversitas.edu.mx/localizacion.html]. Tel/fax: +52 951 501 7200
How to get there
Transportation from the coty of Oaxaca to NovaUniversitas University will depart daily from Parque El Llano (map), a nearby park to the "andador turístico de Oaxaca". All recommended hotels are closeby the park.
Visa information
Before making any travel arrangement, please check whether you need a visa to come to Mexico at: http://www.inm.gob.mx/index.php/page/Paises_Visa/en.html. Those who need a visa may obtain it in any of the more than 130 consulates of Mexico in the world. Please look for the nearest one. If you need an invitation letter for the event, we will be happy to provide one.

Recommended hotels
Hotel Holiday Inn Express
Tel: +52 (951) 512-9200
Web: ihg.com
Aprox. lowest rate: $1,433.00 MXN ($110.00 USD)

Hotel Fiesta Inn
Tel: (951) 501-6000
Web: fiestainn.com
Aprox. lowest rate: $1,474.00 MXN ($115.00 USD)
Hotel City Express
Tel: +52 (951) 502-3500
Web: cityexpress.com
Aprox. lowest rate: $697.00 MXN ($54.00 USD)

Hotel Oaxaca Dorado
Tel: +52 (951) 516-8390
Web: oaxacadorado.com
Aprox. lowest rate: $900.00 MXN ($70.00 USD)
Hotel Misión de los Ángeles
Telefono: +52 (951) 502-0100
Web: misionlosangeles.com
Aprox. lowest rate: $1,067.00 ($82.00 USD)
Hotel Rivera del Ángel
Tel: +52 (951) 516-6666
Web: riveradelangel.com
Aprox. lowest rate: $700.00 ($54.00 USD)