Our commitment to research
MexIHC is Mexico's premier forum for researchers and practitioners to present advances in human computer interaction. MexIHC 2014 is the fifth Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, organized by the Mexican ACM SIGCHI chapter (CHI-México) in a biennial format alternating with the Latin American Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (CLIHC). MexIHC aims to be a forum of networking and ideas exchange among students and researchers, faculty and practitioners, institutions and interest groups, in the field of Human-Computer Interaction and Interactive Systems Usability, in order to support an exchange of scientific results, and their applications in industry.
MexIHC 2014 will be held at NovaUniversitas in Ocotlán de Morelos, Oaxaca; while social and cultural events will be held in the city of Oaxaca. The conference will provide transportation between Ocotlán Morelos and the city of Oaxaca.
Submission Details
Authors wishing to submit a paper must:
1) Format their papers following the official ACM Proceedings Format
2) Submit your paper using the Easychair account for MexIHC'14: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=mexihc2014
Reviewing Process: All papers will be subject to a double blind peer-review process by at least two members of the program committee
Publications: Accepted papers written in English may be published in the DL of the ACM (TBC), as per the TPC suggestion. The rest will be published in the e-book with ISBN. Finally, some papers will be published in the Research in Computing Science (ISSN 1870-4069) journal, indexed by Latindex. Submissions will be evaluated based on their originality, significance of the contribution to the field, technical correctness, and presentation.
Questions: Should you have any question regarding any type of submission, please contact the corresponding chairs.
Types of submissions
Full papers (Up to 8 pages): Full papers should describe original work that have not previously been published and provide significant results of scientific research. Presentation time for full papers will be 15 minutes plus 5 minutes for questions. The papers with this format should be written in ONLY English. Call for papers [ PDF ]
Short Papers or Notes (Up to 4 pages): Short papers should describe innovative work in progress, without significant results yet, that contribute to well-founded research. Presentation time for short papers will be 10 minutes plus 5 minutes for questions. The papers with this format could be written in English or Spanish. Call for papers [ PDF ]
Poster / Prototypes (Up to 2 pages): ): Posters or prototypes must present work in progress or consist of a demonstration of a technical tool. These contributions will be exhibited in a poster session during the conference where there are presentations and demonstrations to all the community. Posters could be written in English or Spanish and should be sent to Luis Castro Email luis.castro@acm.org and Monica Tentori Email mtentori@cicese.mx. subject "[MexIHC] Poster". Call for posters [ PDF ]
Graduate Colloquium (Up to 2 pages):The Graduate Colloquium is a forum in which master and Ph.D. students will discuss their work with each other and with experts in their area. Students will present and discuss their thesis and will receive feedback from experts in the area to help them with their research plans. These papers are assigned a 2-page limit in the conference proceedings and first author must be a master or a PhD Student. Master or PhD students will give a short presentation (10 minutes) about their work. After each presentation, group discussion will take place. The papers with this format could be written in English or Spanish. Call for participation [ PDF ]
Workshop /Tutorial proposal (Up to 2 pages): Anyone interested in organizing a workshop, parallel to the conference, can send a workshop proposal to the Program Committee including title, brief description, topics of interest, workshop objectives, the expected audience, anticipated outcomes, and short CVs of workshop proposers. Call for proposals [ PDF ]
Topics of interest
- New methods and methodologies.
- Tools for evaluation
- Case studies
- Accessibility evaluation
- Theoretical aspects of HCI
- Theoretical discussions or challenges to current theories
- Formal modeling
- New methods and methodologies
- Case studies
- Tools for designing
- Information visualization
- Adaptive interfaces
- New methods and methodologies
- Tools for evaluations
- Case studies
- Evaluation of user experience
- Evaluation of disabled users
- Human error and cognitive studies
- Contextual evaluation and ethno-methodologies
- Case studies of education in HCI
- HCI to improve the teaching/learning
- Usability
- Ergonomics
- Computer Graphics
- Virtual Reality
- Augmented Reality
- Multi-modal Interaction
- Social Networks
- Mobile Devices
- HCI in the Medical Context
- Video Games
- Ludic and Aesthetic Applications
- Cultural aspects in the design
- Brain-Computer Interaction
- e-Government