To register to the event, please follow the next link: MexIHC Registration (only Spanish at the moment). Basically, registration consists of the next steps (more info in Registration link):
- 1. Filling out a form with your data.
- 2. Make the payment (bank transfer or deposit).
- 3. Email payment invoice.
Registration rates
Full paper or note author: $2,800 MXN
Additional paper: $1,000 MXN
Postgraduate consortium: $800 MXN
* This rate includes MexIHC proceedings, access to conferences by keynote speakers (both MexIHC and ENC), poster session (both MexIHC and ENC), AMexIHC (Mexican Association on Human-Computer Interaction) & SMCC (Mexicahn Society of Computer Science) membership, author goodies, dinner & welcome cocktail. Student rates includes access to one tutorial of your choice.
Professor/teacher: $600 MXN
Student: $0 MXN
Local organizing committee: $0 MXN
Conmplimentary access to those who participate:
Tutorial instructors: $0 MXN
Invited talks: $0 MXN
Professor/teacher: $800 MXN
Student: $300 MXN
Student Design Competition:
rofessor/teacher: $500 MX
Student: $100 MX
* This rate includes MexIHC proceedings, access to conferences by keynote speakers (both MexIHC and ENC), poster session (both MexIHC and ENC), AMexIHC (Mexican Association on Human-Computer Interaction) & SMCC (Mexicahn Society of Computer Science) membership, author goodies, dinner & welcome cocktail. Student rates includes access to one MexIHC tutorial of your choice.
Tutorials**: $200 MX
* Additional activities can be paid for on-site , and if you are eligible for attenting a complimentary tutorial (e.g., students), you will be notified once the final list of tutorials is released.
** There are LIMITED SPOTS for tutorials and, depending on the demand, there will be opportunities for attending. Students who decide to attent an additional tutorial (besied the complimentary one) will be subject to a $200 MXN rate per additional tutorial.
Should you have any question or trouble, please contact the organizers at registro2014ENCMEXIHC[at]gmail[dot]com. Feel free to write us in English or Spanish ;)